Meet the band
The NEW GROOVE JAZZ ENSEMBLE (NGJE) is a Big Band of local community members keeping jazz music alive in Brisbane and surrounding districts. Formed in 1996, the band is comprised of 20 players who express their passion through the medium of big band, swing, latin, blues, funk, and rock.
Ken was a member of the Royal Australian Navy Band from 1977 until 2003. He received the John Stucas Memorial Award for the highest Navy qualifier on the Group Leader’s course, and received an Australia Day award for his leadership of the Queensland Naval Band.
Ken is proficient on the clarinet, saxophone, flute, piano, percussion and bass guitar He has played alongside Don Burrows, James and John Morrison, Andy Firth, Ed Wilson, Paul Panichi, Jeff Jarvis and many others. He also composes and arranges music, with New Groove regularly playing his arrangements.
President of the Executive Committee / Vocalist - Trina Lincoln
Trina is currently the President of the New Groove Jazz Ensembles Executive Committee. Born in Edinburgh Scotland, her parents made the decision to up roots and move to Australia in 1980. Educated in Brisbane, Trina has always had a love for music, and in particular singing.
She is a vocalist with New Groove and has her own Jazz Ensembles - Held To Ransom and TomKat which play regularly at the Brisbane Jazz Club as well as other venues around Brisbane. Trina is regularly asked to sing at the BJC with the Brisbane Big Band and at the BJC's Jazz Singers Jam night. Trina has 4 boys and married Ken in 2012. She completed her Bachelor of Music in 2022 and is now teaches.
the band
Jeremy Williamson - Trumpet
Chris Jensen - Trumpet
Tom Pegler - Trumpet
Les Brearley - Trumpet
Collette Sheppard - Trumpet
Garry Threadingham - Trombone
Ric James - Trombone
Melissa McFarlane - Trombone
Fred Krebs - Bass Trombone
Ken Lincoln - Clarinet, Tenor/Alto Sax
Harry Jones - Alto Sax
Jordon Tremble - Alto Sax
Peter Weyand - Tenor Sax
Erin de Brincat - Baritone Sax
Matthew Hoey - Bass
Sacha Hughes - Piano
Molly Quant - Guitar
Jayden Fulwood -Drums
Trina Lincoln - Vocals
Vin Paradis - Vocals